We offer Clover Connect Credit Card Integration. This option makes it very simple to enter and submit your credit card transactions from directly within The Business Edge. During regular order entry and invoicing work flow the user can submit pre-authorizations, Sales, Credits and Voids. The user will receive immediate responses directly from the Clover Connect internet gateway.
Clover Connect Credit Card transaction order confirmation screen
SECURE STORAGE OF INFORMATION Credit cards are stored securely without having the need to be PCI compliant. All credit card information that is entered into The Business Edge goes directly to the Credit Card Rolodex. The Rolodex is not stored in The Business Edge, it is placed directly on the secure remote server.
REPEAT USE OF INFORMATION The card’s last four digits and other non-sensitive information is stored in The Business Edge, so that it is easy to select the card for future transactions. When entering new cards into the Rolodex there is an automatic AVS check to verify that the address and zip match the card. This will help ensure that it is a valid card. Of course using the rolodex is not mandatory. The user can swipe a card with a card reader or enter the info in manually for one time walk in type transactions. | |  PAYMENT OF ALREADY ISSUED INVOICES OR ORDERS If the Invoices have already been issued, and the customer wants to pay one or more of them; the system offers entry of credit card transactions against multiple orders / invoices.
 All credit card information is stored directly in the Credit Card Rolodex
COMPETITIVE PRICING – SAVE 10% TO 40% ON PROCESSING FEES In addition to increasing overall processing efficiency with this integration module, many clients have experienced a cost saving of 10% 40% off their processing fees. |
Clover Connect Credit Card Integration Demo Videos
 Entering Rolodex Credit Cards |  Entering Order/Invoice Transactions With Rolodex |  Entering Order/Invoice Transactions with Card Swipe |
For further information about the integration process, please call or email Diane Miller or Dennis Cowhey at 1-800-539-1233.